'Affiliated to Victory Churches International'
'..the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth.' 1 Tim 3:15


Victory Churches of India is involved in number of different ministries to reach out to our communities with the love of God. We are involved in spiritual and charitable ministry to the needy as well as to the down trodden in our society.

Church Ministries

1. Word Ministry: All across the nation, regular preaching of God's word, praying for the needy people and assisting the weaker sections of society are taking place in the Churches. The Word of God is very important for every aspect of human life. Jesus said Thy words are Spirit and Life. If God's Word enters into the heart of any human being, it will bring about a great change.

2. Children's Ministry: There are thousands of children who need to know the love of God because any of them do not have a clue that there is a heavenly father who loves them as they are. We are currently engaged in ministering to the needs of the children whether in slum areas, village areas or in any situation.

3. Youth Ministry: VCI India has a time tested plan for the training and upliftment of youths to complete the plans of God upon their lives. Youth Festivals, Summer Outreach Programmes and Talent Identifying and Development are some of the things which are being provided for the benefit of the youths of our generation.

4. Women's Ministry: The strongest point in the Victory Churches is the empowerment of the women folk. Women play a vital role in the building up of any society, ethnic group or nation. Hence, Victory Churches has a special task of organizing Women's Conferences all across this nation to cater to the needs of women.

5. Men's Ministry: Any nation needs men who know where they are going, where they are taking their families and the kind of life they need to live. Children, youth and women look to men who have a heart for the families and the nation. That is why Victory Churches is ministering to men to make them people of strong character.

6. Prayer Ministry: Weekly intercessory prayers are offered in all the Victory Churches for the people who are in need of healing, encouragement, deliverance and peace of mind and as well as for the blessing of the nation of India. Jesus said My house shall be called a house of prayer. The need of the hour for our nation is prayer. We are praying to God to bless our national leaders and our people.

7. Evangelism: Jesus said go into all the world and preach the Gospel. The Gospel is the Good News of God. The Good News is this: God took the form of a man and was called Jesus. He died on the cross to shed His precious sinless blood through which man's sin would be forgiven. He rose again so that He could give new birth to those who invite Him to come into their hearts. The Gospel is a blessing and God wants everyone to be blessed so that we could become a blessing for others.

Charitable Ministries

The Bible says, “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction” James 1:27. The Bible also says that he that helps the poor, lends unto the Lord. God wants the church to take care of the poor and needy and visit with them in their affliction.

All over India, Victory Churches is making a great and effective difference for hundreds of children in the slums and villages and in the lives of women and girls in the rural and urban sectors. Slum Schools and Village Schools are run to educate the underprivileged. Through many Sewing Schools, women and young girls are empowered and equipped for life. The Health Work Project is making an impact on the lives of many poor people who could not afford to pay heavy medical expenses in hospitals. The Poor Feeding Program and the Drinking Water Project all help the downtrodden in many useful ways.

1. Slum School Project: Thousands of people in Indian Villages and Metros are living unbelievable conditions of life. Our desire is to bring them out into the main streams of the National life and to help them to live with honor and decency. Our vision is to reach thousands of slum dwellers with the life changing message of our Lord.

2. Health Work Project: Currently 40,000 slums have been visited and assisted and hundreds of medicine packets are being distributed to the slum dwellers. We have a team of 15 volunteer health workers who are visiting from house to house in the slum areas and are helping to provide basic health care facilities. They also are helping to promote general awareness of health and hygiene in the slums. We have seen very encouraging results due to this project.

3. Orphanage Project: We are currently helping several orphan children by providing them with a comfortable accommodation as well as food, clothing and education. House parents who love and take care of these children live with these kids and provide them with the love and security that they need to live and grow up and have a dignified life. It is our vision to start many more of these orphanages so that we could extend our helping hand to bless the countless children who are orphans and have no one to take care of them.

4. Sewing School Project: The Sewing Schools were started with the aim of helping the poor widows as well as single girls by providing them with a means of getting an income in life. We teach them the art of sewing clothes and provide them with free tailoring machines that they can take it and use it to earn a livelihood.

5. Poor Feeding Project: Poor feeding is another way we extend our care and support to those who are not able to provide for themselves. We have provided free food to thousands of poor people. In fact we have supplied food to several thousands of people in Gujarat who were affected by the Earthquake. We want to extend this as many needy people as we can.

6. Hand Pump Project: We have gone to several villages and have freely setup hand pumps so that the people there could get clean drinking water. We want to provide as many villages as we can with clean drinking water for the welfare of the people.